Best Spots to See the Northern Lights in Iceland

Earth, the place we call home, gifts us with many amazing treasures. It provides us with many joys in life including the most beautiful sights. One of those sights are the northern lights in Iceland. These beautiful lights dance around in the sky creating a sight so incredible that it seems unreal.

The northern lights are an astronomical phenomenon called polar lights or aurora polaris. Polar lights can also be found in the southern hemisphere. They are the result of solar particles coming into the earth’s magnetic field and ionizing up in the atmosphere. The polar lights are very colorful and show up as rippling curtains, pulses, globs, waves and steady glows of light in the dark night sky. The colors that the polar lights take depend on the altitude. Blue violet and red colors appear below 60 miles (100 km) and bright green colors appear between 60-150 miles (100-240 km). A ruby red color appears above 150 miles (240 km). Many times, these waves and curtains of lights and colors are two-toned due to the difference in altitude that they reside in.

Time of Year

The natural phenomenon of the northern lights occurs year-round. However, it is sometimes impossible to see during the summer due to the long daylight hours and the bright sun. The best time to make a trip to see the northern lights is during the months of September through April. During the month of December, there are only a few hours of daylight and many hours of darkness, making it an excellent time of year to see the northern lights.


During the winter months, temperatures in Iceland can go as far as -10°C or 14ºF. The cold weather isn’t the most comfortable to enjoy an outdoor view, so be sure to bring your best winter outfits that will let you withstand cold and icy weather.

As with any trip, planning is necessary in order to take advantage of every minute that you’ll spend in a foreign place. When it comes to weather, the accuracy in the forecasts is not the most reliable. You can get a good idea of the weather with the forecast of a week, but the weather is bound to change last minute.

In order to see the northern lights, the sky must be free of clouds. Clouds will cover the natural phenomenon from sight. It is also best to travel to see the lights when there is enough solar activity. Lack of solar activity will result in little to no visibility of the northern lights. Thankfully there are solar activity forecasts that will give you details a few days in advance so that you can plan the days you’d like to dedicate to the northern lights. Since the weather can change and differ from the forecast, it is best to stay in Iceland for a few days. That way, if there isn’t enough solar activity or clarity to see the northern lights, you’d still have more chances to see rather than having to head home.


Since you don’t have a great chance experiencing the northern lights during the daylight hours, it is best to travel to the areas of Iceland that have longer hours of darkness such as the Westfjords or Northern Iceland. These areas are great because they have less cloud coverage than other parts of Iceland. Nevertheless, here are the best spots to travel to in order to get the best view of the northern lights.


The capital of Iceland is Reykjavik, the largest city in Iceland that sits along the southwestern coast of the country. It is a great spot for tourists because it is full of culture, tours, amazing nightlife, museums, delicious restaurants, shops, bars, clubs and galleries. Stopping at Reykjavik will let you enjoy the best parts about Iceland, including the northern lights. Since Reykjavik has many parks and is spread-out, you can actually find some cool spots to see the northern lights within the city. On the Seltjarnarnes Peninsula near the Grótta lighthouse, there is minimal light pollution, making it possibly the best location in Reykjavik to experience the northern lights.

There is a birch forest in Reykjavik called Oskjhulid that is another great spot to see the northern lights. The forest completely surrounds a beautiful landmark called the Perlan. Since the forest is dark is there is minimal light pollution, it is another great location in Reykjavik to view the northern lights.

Thingvellir National Park

Near the capital of Iceland, Reykjavik, there is a national park called Thingvellir. Iceland is a beautiful country, and this park is no different. It is one of the most scenic landscapes in all of Iceland. Since it is a national park and is about 50 km away from Reykjavik, you won’t need to worry about any light pollution from blocking the view of the northern lights. This national park is Iceland’s most historic sites and it is where the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates meet. The clear skies and beautiful wilderness will be an amazing place to search for the northern lights.


On the outskirts of Reyjavik is an outdoor activity area called Laugardalur where locals stop by to stretch their legs while hiking some trails. There are large swimming pools, hot pools, a gym and an arena. Outside of Laugardalur are large open spaces that are great for camping, concerts, festivals. Within these open spaces there is also a botanical garden and a zoo. Laugardalur is overall a great place to visit in Iceland and a great place to see the northern lights. You can stay at the campsite and view the northern lights in the same location.


In northern Iceland, there is a city called Akureyri. It sits at the head of a fjord and has a dreamy view surrounded by snowy mountains. It is a small city and isn’t as busy as Reykjavik. Even at the center of this city, you will have an amazing view of the northern lights due to minimal light pollution. With a great view of the mountains and the northern lights, it could not get better.


If you want to go to a super remote location, head to Vík. It is a small village southeast of Reykjavik with a population of about 300 people. There is a beautiful black-sand beach in Vík. The black sand combined with the snowy mountains will create a beautiful contrast and it will be the perfect view to enjoy the northern lights. The experience itself will be breathtaking. 


Another great option when traveling to Iceland to see the northern lights is taking a guided tour. Reykjavik, Akureyri and East Iceland offer several tours and it could be beneficial. Firstly, a tour guide will either tell you where to go or they will take you to the northern lights. You won’t have to worry about driving in a foreign country during the snowy winter season, which could be dangerous. Tour guides may even take you to extra landscapes to see views that you wouldn’t have found on your own.

There are bus tours and there are super-jeep tours. The bus tour is much cheaper than a jeep tour. It is a great option if you are on a budget. The super-jeep tours are a bit more expensive because the tour would be with a small group of people, leaving opportunity to talk to the tour guide and ask any questions that come to mind. Additionally, since jeeps are smaller than buses, there will be the ability to reach places where the bus cannot, possibly giving you better views and better locations to take pictures.

Another way to see the northern lights is by taking a boat tour. The boat tour is a completely different experience. They will take you out to sea and away from the light pollution from the city. It is true that you won’t be able to move around and head to different locations like you would on a bus or a jeep, but the view is incomparable. If you are a fan of being out at sea, a boat tour will have you surrounded by nothing by stars, landscapes, and the northern lights. If you are lucky, the whales will stop by to greet you and make your experience that much better.

Overall, tours are great because they will take away the stress you may get from putting together a trip in looking for the northern lights. Tour guides are experts at finding the northern lights in the correct weather conditions, and they know the area well enough to take you to the best spots to make your trip worthwhile.

Download The Aurora App

The Aurora App is an absolute must have if you’re hoping to spot the Northern Lights in Iceland. The app shows Aurora weather predictions and will let you know the chances of you seeing the lights in your current location or a location of your choosing. It will also notify you if the chances increase in your area. I’d encourage you to download the paid for version of the app over the free one, both for the added benefits but also to support the developers of this wonderful application.

Hopefully these tips and tricks will give you everything you need to be in with the best chance of seeing the elusive Northern Lights while on your trip to Iceland.


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