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Car Rental Mauritius: Your Ultimate Guide to Exploring the Island by Car

Planning a trip to Mauritius? Considering renting a car? As someone who's been down that road (pun intended ;)), I can assure you, it's an unbeatable way to make the most of your time in this magnificent island paradise.

While decent enough in the bustling cities, public transport doesn't quite cut it if you're keen to explore the less-trodden paths or breathtaking coastal lines. And trust me, Mauritius, albeit small, is brimming with exotic experiences and beautiful vistas. Having your own set of wheels allows you to explore this paradise at your own pace.

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Choosing the Right Car Rental Company

Alright, so you've decided to rent a car in Mauritius, and you're wondering, "Which car rental company should I go with?" Let me help you with that.

I had a brilliant experience with Pleasure Drive during my stay. They offered a range of vehicles, from small economical models perfect for solo travellers or couples to larger sedan types more suited for families or groups. The prices were also fair; we paid around £27 per day for a small car and around £32 per day for a slightly larger vehicle. You can check out their offerings here.

One aspect that stood out about Pleasure Drive was the convenience they provided. We didn't need to arrange transportation to pick up the car - they dropped it off at our apartment! Punctuality was also one of their strong points. They arrived exactly when they said they would, both for the drop-off and pick-up.

Even more convenient was that Pleasure Drive included full insurance in the rental cost. For me, this was a massive weight off my shoulders. I didn't have to worry about unforeseen expenses during my holiday.

What's more, they didn't require any deposit. As a tourist, it was quite a relief not to have to block a significant amount of money for this purpose.

Why Rent a Car in Mauritius?

One of the most compelling reasons to rent a car in Mauritius is the opportunity to really explore the island. And when I say explore, I mean venturing beyond the typical tourist attractions and diving deep into the heart of this beautiful island.

When you're driving, you have the flexibility to stop at any intriguing spot you pass. From mesmerising hidden beaches and charming fishing villages to breathtaking mountain views, Mauritius is full of surprises waiting to be discovered.

To aid in your adventure, I've put together an interactive Google map with over 35 things to do in Mauritius. It covers a range of activities and places, many of which aren't in your usual tourist guide. You can find this detailed guide in the shop section of my blog.

Navigating Speed Cameras in Mauritius

If there's one thing you need to be aware of when driving around Mauritius, it's the speed cameras. Let me tell you, they are quite numerous across the island!

You'll find them on the motorways, towns' main roads, and even some residential areas. But don't worry, they aren't there to catch you out, but to ensure everyone's safety on the roads. The speed limits in Mauritius are quite strict, with a maximum of 110 km/h on motorways, 60 km/h on main roads in towns, and as low as 40 km/h in residential areas.

During our trip, we noticed how well-signposted these cameras were. You'll usually see a sign notifying you of an upcoming speed camera, giving you ample time to check your speedometer and adjust if necessary.

But here's a friendly tip: don't just rely on these signs. It's easy to get carried away, especially when you're driving along scenic Mauritian roads with the ocean on one side and lush greenery on the other. But keeping an eye on your speedometer and adhering to the speed limits is always a good idea.

Remember, the goal is to enjoy the freedom of exploring the island at your own pace and do so safely. Be mindful of the speed cameras and limits; your driving experience in Mauritius will be a breeze.

Pricing for Car Rentals in Mauritius

When budgeting for your trip, it's important to factor in the cost of a car rental. From my experience, I found the prices in Mauritius to be quite reasonable and competitive.

During my trip in July 2023, we paid around £27 per day for a smaller car from Pleasure Drive. This price included full insurance, and the best part? They didn't require any deposit. The price of a slightly larger vehicle was around £32 per day.

When you consider the freedom and convenience that comes with having your own vehicle, this pricing really is worth it. You can travel at your own pace, make spontaneous detours and stops, and really make the most of everything Mauritius has to offer.

However, it's important to note that prices can fluctuate depending on the season and the type of car you choose. I would recommend reaching out to the rental company in advance to get a precise quote for your intended rental period.

Also, do compare prices from a few different companies. But remember, the cheapest option may not always be the best one. Always consider factors like the inclusion of insurance, the condition of the cars, customer service, and reviews from other customers.

Fuel Costs in Mauritius

When considering the cost of car rental, it's essential not to overlook the fuel cost. After all, you'll want to keep that car moving to see all the sights!

During our trip to Mauritius, we found fuel costs to be surprisingly affordable. For four full days of driving around the island, and exploring different places, we used around £50 worth of fuel.

Of course, fuel consumption will vary depending on the type of car you rent and how much driving you plan to do. For instance, a larger vehicle or an SUV will generally consume more fuel than a small car.

Moreover, despite its size, Mauritius is an island of diverse landscapes. Driving in hilly regions or off-the-beaten-path areas might consume more fuel. But in our experience, the overall fuel cost was quite reasonable and didn't cause a big dent in our holiday budget.

One tip to keep in mind is to fill up at petrol stations in towns where fuel tends to be cheaper than at those along the motorways.

Road Quality in Mauritius

Navigating the roads of a foreign country can sometimes be a daunting prospect, especially if you're unsure about the road conditions. But in Mauritius, you have nothing to worry about.

I was pleasantly surprised by the road quality in Mauritius. Almost all the roads we traversed were in excellent condition, with no potholes to mention. The infrastructure is commendable, making driving around the island a smooth and enjoyable experience.

There were a couple of instances where we found ourselves on more of a dirt track type of road, but these instances were few and far between. And even these were manageable and didn't detract from the overall driving experience.

It's worth noting that while the condition of the roads is generally great, the island's topography means that some roads can be quite winding. If you or anyone in your party tends to get travel sick, it may be a good idea to bring along some travel sickness tablets.

In my experience, these winding roads often led to some fantastic viewpoints, so they are worth navigating. And when you're in the comfort of your own rental car, you can always stop for a break whenever you need one.


So there you have it, a comprehensive guide to car rental in Mauritius! Renting a car in Mauritius isn't just about convenience; it's about granting yourself the freedom to fully experience the island at your own pace, without having to rely on public transportation or expensive taxis.

Whether cruising along the beautiful coastal roads or navigating the winding paths leading to the island's heart, having your own vehicle truly enhances your Mauritian experience. With reasonable rental and fuel costs, excellent road conditions, and the added bonus of exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations, renting a car is well worth considering for your Mauritius adventure.

Always remember to drive responsibly, adhere to the speed limits, and be aware of the speed cameras scattered across the island. And most importantly, enjoy every moment on the road. After all, getting there is half the fun!


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